
Sunday, May 20, 2007


so, i'm skipping about five weeks ahead of my journaling, and here i am, 5:56 am, sitting in singapore opposite an out-of-focus computing screen, sweating a bit in the 80% humidity and 20-something degrees and ruining the work of the past three months.

i had the second worst flight in my life yesterday.
the first intresting thing that happened to me when i got to singapore was to bump my upper lip against a trash can.
the second was throwing up three times into said trash can. horizontally.

it was the best thing that happened to me yesterday, as i could hardly walk more than fifty meters before the date with said trash can.

after going to the toilets and some diet coke [i will seriously miss Coke Zero, the upgraded diet coke they have in NZ] we got into a cab and out of the airport with a driver who does not know where our hostel is. so awesome! brand new highways, rainforest, malls and people queuing up in fast food shacks. out hostel is japanese style, which means we're sleeping on the floor. i just got into our compartment [i wouldn't exactly call it a room because there's not a lot of room in there] and slept everything off. the toilets' doors fold in three different directions.

i can't wait to go out there.


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